Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Our current "rubbish" show

The New Brighteners are a group of volunteers committed to keeping New Brighton's beaches, and its immediate environment, clean and litter free. They spread the word that clean beaches are good for everyone, and litter-filled beaches are bad for people, bad for the environment and bad for marine life!

The Momentary Art Project donated some money to the group from our fundraising event "After the Storm" in 2014.

Rubbish exhibition at Marine Point

Watch our unit at Marine Point, New Brighton as the New Brighteners change their "rubbish exhibition.

Momentary Art Project

We, in the Momentary Art Project and all the other projects we are involved in outwith MAP have had a great few weeks with the Cunard visit, Town Crier contest, skipping contest, Wirral Open Studio Tour.

We created a window for Cunard with three ships created by the MAP directors to go with the canvases from Mount Primary School created with Nicola Taggart (now Mrs Lowe - congratulations) with funding support from Mount and Your Wirral...this is in the lead up to our mural project.

We had lovely flags created for us by Vanessa Ryall for Cunard Visit